Saturday, February 12, 2011

Friends Of Giants at Cafe Bohemia

I don't normally let Molly stay up pass 7:00pm, but she loves listening to her daddy play. They had a show at the Cafe Bohemia so I had to take her. Goodnight Neverland started the show. They were really good. They have this tradition where they never wear shoes. I thought I would catch them breaking it tonight because it was freezing out, but the kept true to it.

Two more bands played after them. That time was spent by either Jacob or I following Molly around while she ran in circles around the whole place. Making a lot of new friends.

It was so cute she would walk up to total strangers and sit right next to them and start talking to them. Everyone kept telling me how cute she was.

Friends Of Giants finally came on around 10:30. Molly moved up to the front and danced in circles.

It was a really fun getting to hang out with friends and family. I Was also super excited to hear two of the five new songs from Friends Of Giants. Here are a few more pictures from last night.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Here I go

Last summer my sister Lorena got me motivated to start a blog. I really liked the idea of documenting my past so I thought I would give it a shot. I've been journaling ever since I got married thanks to encouragement from my aunt Lori, so I thought this would be easy. It wasn't. It's taken me 8 or so months and 2 or 3 different blog sites to get this far. I'm nowhere near finished with it, but I'm taking advice from my sister and publishing it so I'll get that kick in the butt to keep it up. I've never been good at writing so please go easy on me. I'm doing it to remember my past. So here I go.